Sunday, July 04, 2010
About Me
- Name: Baptist Theologue (Mike Morris)
- Location: Fort Worth, Texas
Mike Morris serves as assistant professor of missions at Southwestern Baptist Seminary. He served in America as a youth minister, associate pastor, church planter, and senior pastor. He also served as an International Mission Board missionary to South Korea for ten years. He helped plant five churches in South Korea and one church in Tennessee. His recently published (2009-2012) articles and book reviews appeared in the following journals and magazines: Journal of Evangelism and Missions, Southwestern Journal of Theology, Evangelical Missions Quarterly, International Bulletin of Missionary Research, On Mission, The Free Will Baptist, and BETFA (Biblical, Evangelical and Theological Forum for Africa): Journal of the Ogbomoso Circle. He currently serves as the book review editor for the Great Commission Research Journal. He is a member of the Society for Church Consulting, the Evangelical Theological Society, the Great Commission Research Network, and the Evangelical Missiological Society. He is a graduate of Memphis State University (B.S.), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min. and Ph.D.).
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